The building on this photo is Head Office of the United Nations University in central Tokyo.
This is where we're organizing the second Pew-sponsored Whale Symposium, a multistakeholder opportunity to discuss ways forward to reinforce (save?) the international whale conservation (the Japanese prefer the word "management") regime. This follows the first Pew-sponsored whale symposium which we organized in at UN Headquarters in New York in the month of April. The Tokyo Symposium will take place on 30-31 January, 2008.
If the New York symposium was a challenge, Tokyo is not less so. That's what's exciting about this project! We're trying to break new grounds. With a highly skilled diplomat like Judge Neroni Slade as the Chair, we can trust that we will get somewhere.
In the right hand column "On line Resources" section, I've put a link to the Tokyo symposium website. It's still a skinny website, but watch this space: we'll update regularly as the list of participants, the programme and background documents get finalized.
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