I wonder what the Spanish Ministry of the Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs had in mind when they chose the logo for next week's worldwide Conference of Fisheries Ministers they're organizing near the fishing town of Vigo.
Maybe they chose a messy logo (see above) because they thought it could be a good idea if the participants were forewarned that the conference could be a mess. We'll see, I'll be there.
There is unanimity among Spanish and international environmental NGOs this week to deplore the way the Spanish Ministry is handling this conference. Oceana, Greenpeace, WWF, the Spanish network Ecologistas en Acción, backed by the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) and the Seas At Risk European network are dismayed by the lack of feedback they're getting from the Spanish Government.
This ministerial conference is organized in the margins of a large fishing industry trade fair. Not very helpful to prevent all sorts of conspiracy theories...We'll report here, Chez Rémi, if there is anything fishy there next week.
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