After reading Charles Clover's account of today's bluefin tuna debacle at the CITES conference in Doha, I wondered what I could say that others weren't saying.
What photo should I upload to illustrate this environmental tragedy? Today on (ironically) the third month of the UN International Year of Biodiversity?
Well, I thought I'd upload this photo I took recently in Tokyo metro. And those curious to know why the Japanese people (and the rest of the world for that matter) are sleeping and do not revolt against the looming food security crisis that the destruction of marine life means for them, I encourage you to read "Japanese Journalism in Collapse", an interesting interview with Takashi Uesugi which David McNeill, a Tokyo-based Irish journalist, has just published on the website of the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan. It does not contain the whole explanation of course, but I suppose part of it is there.
In the month of October, the Japanese Government will be hosting in the city of Nagoya the 10th Conference of Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, which will be preceded (on 20 September in New York) by the first-ever special meeting of the UN General Assembly on biodiversity conservation, with participation of Heads of States and Governments.
The UN continues to say that they're "celebrating" on this Year of Biodiversity. Well, they've only got six months left to make sure that there's something to celebrate and to avoid a total disaster. Six months for Japan, and the rest of the world, to get their acts together.
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